Sunday, October 17, 2010

You're not going out in that!

Ok, so I'm no expert in fashion and I definetly am not up to date on the newest styles or fashion. My mum is probably more 'fashionable' than me, but I just tend to wear what I like, what feels comfortable, and what looks ok to me. And I haven't explored all of the places in America, and figured out the 'fashionable' stores but..........

Now that I've said all my prefixes.. I will continue. In my opinion London is always one step ahead fashion wise. I remember when my cousin came down one christmas and was asking me about long cardies... (sweaters) and I had no idea what she meant. Well 6 months later... I was seeing them everywhere in the stores in Florida. I recently went to London and was shopping with her, and I said, 'there's a cute long sweater.' And she replied 'I'm so sick of seeing them - feel like they been around for years.' Lol. To me, they are a novelty. And for me, I love sweaters/jackets etc.... because to me, it doesn't matter about fashion but they're always a cool thing to pop over a short sleeved shirt, and for those who know me best, whether I'm in England or America - I AM ALWAYS COLD.

Anyway - it is my opinion that not only is fashion always one step ahead in London but I also think that it is also more unique. But my experience is limited since I have not purchased the contents of Rodeo Drive in LA or travelled thru the city of New York so perhaps city life may have some differences. But I still love shopping in London (eventhough prices in Florida, and probably America in general are much lower compared) because to me, the clothes are more unique and have a different flavor. Although - its funny because when I was young, would travel regularly to USA and would come to Target as a child and would buy clothes. Back in England, people would ask me where I got my clothes from, and I would say America and they would say 'oh la la.' So maybe it depends. Maybe just being back in London and away from the stores I am used to in Florida, the fashion in London seems exciting, new, and appealing. Who knows?

But also - something else. We had some guests come to visit us in Florida from England and one night we were going out for dinner. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt and I was done. I went to see if they were ready, and they had plugged in their straightening iron had a whole bunch of make up laid out and jewellry. I said... 'Um, we're just going down the street to the Chilli's.'' But then I remembered.... in London, almost everyone dresses up all the time, whether they are going to the store to get some milk, the post office, or wherever. In Florida, maybe its the laid-back atmosphere but everyone dresses so casually. I remember when we first moved here, I had to buy a ton of casual clothes because otherwise all I had were these dressy clothes I came with. I guess I could dress up but still. People usually don't dress up to go to dinner, unless its a really post restaurant. People don't really dress up to go to the store or shopping. It is probably different in other states, and again I only have one state to compare it to... but its just a change.
I do love to dress up though and now with my new 'London' wardrobe and my career which requires me to dress up, I'm all set to go. I guess I'm just an America Yankee.... the best of both worlds :)

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