Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lets get out the grill

Its kinda hard for me to do a good job of describing the typical 'American' foods since I haven't been to every state in America and exposed to and experienced every type of food - but I'll do my best.

Grilled foods
Since the weather is a lot nicer, here in Florida. It is quite common to have BBQ's and hence grilled meats. It becomes a group of event - 'lets have a BBQ today' or 'Lets get out the grill'. All kinds of meats can be put on the BBQ and grilled.


Seafood is a common delicacy especially because of being so close to the water in some states. Oysters, crabs, cat fish, lobster, cray fish etc... all served with various sauces or whatever. The picture below is clam chowder.

Buffalo wings, cheesecake, pizza slices, burgers n chips.

There really is no way to precisely describe what Americans eat. It's like asking someone, "what does American music sound like?" or "what does American art look like?" Of course, there are no answers for these questions since the nation is such a complex cultural, well, melting pot.
And you know what its the same for England. Both places are a cultural melting pot and there are so many foods that have been brought in and introduced and slowly becoming part of their world.

I'm just glad to be an English Yankee and so I have experienced the best of both worlds!

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