Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Technology is killing my sleep

So, of course there are difference and there are also similarities between the place I was born (England) and the place I currently reside (America). Technology is the topic I am referring to today. No matter where you live in the world, technology is advancing at an astonishing rate. It seems as if countries are competing with each other over who can bring out the newest software, programs, and hardware. I've always felt that England has been a step above, in terms of bringing out the newest things, most unique, and appealing to the public. This doesn't just refer to technology but also fashion. Fashion usually comes to the UK before it comes to the US, well in my opinion only. but fashion will be another blog entry I am sure.
But back to technology and my sleep issues. I feel like technology is advancing so much and who can help but try to keep up with it. When the i phone first came out, I never thought I would be one of those people that got absorbed in it. But I was. With defense to myself, my purchase came about due to my schooling as a physician assistant and the programs were definitely helpful both in school and during clinicals, not to mention the communication devices and the games.

I remember back in London - almost 12 years ago, all I had was a mobile phone which had text messaging and those free voicemails you could do to other people's phones. My best friend and I would resort to sending each other voicemails, and I remember late at night since my parent's room was right next door I would pull the covers above my head and whisper so that no-one could hear me. But now.... what a difference. Kids under ten have cell phones or mobile phones which have cameras, videos, messaging, and browsing capabilities. Wouldn't it have been awesome to have this as a child?

The other day I woke up in the middle of the night. I wondered what time it was, so I clicked the bottom on my i phone and as I saw the time I also saw I had a new e-mail. Cool. I couldn't go back to sleep without checking my e-mail. And then of course maybe reply too. And then, wait what's that - a facebook notification. Let me quickly check that before going back to bed. Oh cool - someone just replied to my status. Let me reply to that too. And look someone IM'ed me. And if you're like me, even if you're asleep because I have friends and family in my time zone and another time zone, its easy to like technology take you away from your sleep and occupy you with what is right there waiting for you. So what's the difference? Well technology. Its different everywhere. Do I love it? Yes I do.

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