Monday, October 11, 2010


It really doesn't matter what you call it, whether it is sneezing because of hayfever (UK) or because of allergies (USA) its still sneezing, and very annoying.
I'm not sure where my hayfever (allergies) was worse. But I remember in England always sneezing and onestly my hayfever was out of control and I just thought that sniffing and sneezing was something that I was always going to have. I tried nose sprays and some weird liquid med (can't remember the name) because at that age I couldn't swallow tablets yet.
So when we moved to America, my asthma was better and so I thought my allergies would be too... ha ha. Florida is the worst for allergies. Who knows what I'm allergic to, I never did the actual allergy test, but probably mold, spores, dust, dander, and all that nice stuff. So one day while at the doc office I happenned to mention my ever-increasing sneezing and they looked in my nose and down my throat and said 'you have allergies'. Duh.. i could have told you that. Well anyway they gave me Allegra D which is the best. It helped to control my sneezing and led to me getting sick much less. Although my health insurance won't cover Allegra D any more but that's another story... and another blog...!

But whether I'm here in America or in London I still have my allergies/and hayfever.

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