Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chocolate...... Twirl, dairy milk, flake... yum

I'm not really into chocolate that much... but you know what they say.. when you can't get access to something, that's when you miss it the most. I was used to stopping at a newsagents and grabbing a chocolate bar when I went somewhere or picking one up at Tesco by the till.
There is something about that Cadburys chocolate which is so delicious and sweet. No offense to the Hershey chocolate here and those that love it... but it does not compare. It is probably because I am so used to Cadbury's chocolate that it just tastes so good to me.. so now when I visit England I pick up a whole bunch of chocolate and of course I store it in my fridge for months on end...

1 comment:

  1. i have to agree with you...Hersheys is nothing compared to yummy cadburys. even though i like the idea of those hershey kisses, i bet Cadburys could do a far better version :)
