Monday, September 20, 2010

Would you like any batteries today?

My first job after coming to America was at a toy store. Of course my accent was heavily peppered with English at this time and therefore it was distinct and at times unfamiliar to some.
Everytime we rang up a purchase for a customer, we had to ask them if they wanted any batteries. If we didn't ask, then they would be entitled to free batteries and that would come out of our wage.
But I had a problem.
I had no issues with remembering to ask them, BUT....
when I did ask them, the way we say battery in England is completely different to the way it is said in America. Its not as easy to explain this in a written sense but I'll try.
In England we say BAT-TRY. In America they say BAT-ERY.
And so when I would ask the customers about any BAT-RIES that they would want, every now and then I would get caught out and told that I hadn't asked. Hmmm...
So I started to change the way I said it... I would say 'Would you like any.... and then I would do my best to stress the word batteries in what I hoped sounded American but probably sounded like 'BAD-A-RIES.' But nevertheless - it did the job, and no one ever accused me of not asking them for their batteries lol.... what can I say? But it was pretty funny to have half my sentence in English and then one word in this weird fake American accent... lol.

1 comment:

  1. this is soooo true! i can just imagine a deep american accent searching badd-er-ries
