Monday, September 20, 2010

Which is better?

People always ask me - which place do you prefer, England or America? Its the toughest question to answer. Because there are so many factors to take into consideration. I miss the people and the places in England, as well as the familiarity. I am not really a fan of the cold weather, although the few weeks of sunshine is probably more appreciated because its a rare occurrence. In Florida, the sun is always shining and so its something that you really rely on rather than appreciate. Since the majority of my time in Florida has been spent in a classroom or behind books I feel like I can't comment that much on the social aspect of Florida. However, in London I always feel like there is so much to do. You can take a walk, visit museums, site attractions, such as the queen's palace, tower of london, london eye etc. In Florida, there are places to go, theme parks but there is limitations as far as transport goes. You have to have a car in order to get anywhere in Florida specifically. New York is a different story. I've visited Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Vegas etc... and most of these places seem to have more use of public transport but still a car remains a necessity in terms of travel. That's my opinion anyway.
London is my home because its where I grew up. It is the place I took my first steps, the place where I made my memories, well most of them. Its my childhood home, and thus is the place I will always consider to be a home. I had hesitation about moving to America especially because I hate change, but I guess Florida has become my home too. I learnt to drive in Florida because having a car there was a necessity. So many of my friends from school and college don't need to have a car because of public transport here which is readily available of accessible.
I miss the people I grow up with in London. Family and friends. Nothing can replace familiarity.
But I've learnt to accept Florida as my home. Its the place where I decided what I wanted to do with my life, its where I worked, and will work. Its the place I will be able to achieve my dream. But where do I prefer - I really can't answer that question, except to say - that I am a english yankee...!

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