Monday, September 20, 2010


Since I visited America on a regular basis I already knew that Americans tended to be much friendlier compared to English people. I remember once I came back from a visit and then when I went back to my job at the library, without knowing, I suddenly started saying 'thank you - have a nice day.' I cannot tell you how many strange looks I got from people. They must have thought I had gone bonkers lol. I wasn't conscious that I was doing this deliberately, but after being accustomed to the American friendliness during my recent trip, I guess some of this had rubbed off on me.

Since living there, the friendliness is just part of the whole culture. Its something you do. Its a part of us all there.

I used to work in retail and it was part of my job to be friendly, and caring, and compassionate. We had to check in on customers several times during their time in the store.

On my way into London for this vacation (holiday) my allergies (hayfever) was acting up. I sneezed about ten times in the immigration line. And after the first sneeze, it was weird there was still silence. I wondered if maybe nobody heard my sneeze - but that's impossible because I inherited my dad's loud sneezing and therefore, its enough to wake up the 'dead' apparently. Anyway - so after my multiple sneezes - still nothing. I guess I had been in America for so long and got used to strangers just saying 'bless you' that it was very weird to me that not a single person in line said anything when I sneezed.

I also suffered from some rudeness during various shopping trips. It was quite an expedition in Debenhams trying to find a shopkeeper to ask some help, and when I did, they told me they had no idea. In Marks and Spencers, I asked where the VAT desk was - I got a response, 'oh maybe on the first floor somewhere'. OK seriously - am i asking too much. Maybe I've been spoilt.
In Primark - the lady at the dressing room told me I couldn't take the shopping bag in with me. Fair enough. So I left it outside. She said - 'you can't leave it outside.' Ok so.... now I am wondering what am I supossed to do with it??? She said - 'are you going to give it to me or just hold up the line.' WOW!!!! I could not believe it. She told me where I could not leave it, but she never told me that I was able to leave it with her. Was I supposed to be a psychic? I didn't think I was that dumb. I do have a masters degree, but seriously this woman should have been much more clearer.

Anyway, I just thought some of these changes were interesting to note...

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