Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More on Shopping and Manners

I was recently having a conversation with a cousin of mine who had visited America a few years ago. I can't remember what part of America he visited. But anyway, he said that when he was out shopping he remembers that it was a big difference the kind of customer service he got compared to in England. Said that he thought that he found it a little 'too much.'
For example, in one store he was approached by a salesperson almost 5 times:
'Hello, can I help you?' No, I'm ok
'Can I help you find anything?' No, I'm ok
'You still doing ok?' Yes, I'm fine
'Do you need me to hold anything?' No, I'm ok
'You ok?' Ok leave me alone....
Ok, he didn't tell the salesperson to leave him alone, but I'm sure he wanted to. lol. Just hearing that made me see how someone from England who is not used to this level of customer service would find the helpfulness a little overbearing. There seems to be a huge difference between the two. And I know that many places in America have to be this way because this is how they are trained and expected to act. In addition, some positions offer monetary compensation for getting sales so it is in their best interest to 'harass the customer' lol. But how much harassment is really necessary???

Personally, I appreciate someone coming up to me at least once and letting me know they are there to help if I need it. I know this is easier in small stores to do, but less possible in bigger department stores. Although it is usually in large department stores where customers usually require the most help because it seems like sizes are never available, or someone is kept up really high and I have to do some pseudo-gymnastic move in order to locate this item. (Note to self - in the future only go shopping with people who are taller than me lol!!!!!)

I think there should be some medium between no customer interaction and complete annoyance and interference of one's shopping experience. Let us know you are there and available to help but then leave us alone, we don't know who you are, we're not friends, i didn't ask you to come shopping with me, so why are you hanging around with me while I am shopping lol.

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