Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weather Issues

3 weeksa ago as I landed at Heathrow airport in London the announcer announced that the temperature was 12 degrees C.
As I arrived in Tampa, Fl a similiar type voice announced the weather as 78 degrees F.
What's the difference -well obviously, London is cold, Florida is warm - but apart from that. The measurement. Seriously - whose idea was it to record temperature in different ways for the two countries. It took me ages to adjust to Farenheit in America after being used to Celcius in England.
My friends in England always ask me what the weather is like in Florida, and when I reply 80. They look puzzled. But then I remember I have to change the value to Celcius. Luckily my weather app on my iphone shows it in either Celcius or Farenheit - either that or I can do a quick approximate calculation. But it still seems silly.
Also, England uses the metric system which I do love by the way - but America doesn't use it, although they do teach it in math.. i guess just so we can all be aware. And they do teach us about calculating weather in Celcius, Farenheit and Kelvin. Kelvin - who is ever going to need to know the temperature in Klevin???

Anyway.. these differences..........

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