Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Creepy Crawly Things

I don't think it matters which country you live in - you will always be exposed to some kind of creepy crawly things.
In London, flies were a big problems, especially fruit flies. And just recently I've seen spiders creeping up everywhere especially in people who have larger houses. I don't remember seeing that many spiders when I used to live here. But while on vacation/holiday, I've seen over 10 spiders. Let me also say, I've also killed a few of them too. So let me apologize to those spider loving people in advance.
I remember we used to get a lot of flies inside, but i guess that's probably due to the fact that we often had windows open and the flies would come and try to get to the food. And I remember we would have to get a cover to put on top of the fruits so that the flies wouldn't all be there on top of the bananas etc.
Mice aren't really creepy crawlies but I couldn't stand those - never could.

I'm actually okay with creepy crawlies and I probably have my sister to thank for that. It all started approximately 10-11 years ago when we moved to America. Florida has roaches.. gross. They come out when its hot especially. And when we got our place there, before we knew about the importance of pest control, we saw an abundance of roaches. My sister was petrified of them. And she would call me to come and kill them or else she would be screaming lol. Sometimes I would have to seek them out and find them or else she wouldn't go to sleep. So I became the insect killer... and its not that it didn't bother me, i guess the roaches etc.. didn't bother me as much as they bothered my sister. My mum has always been brave about insects or whatever, so maybe I got that from her.

When I moved to Orlando, the 1st thing I had to do was get pest control, but of course that doesn't completly eradicate all the roaches and insects. But my biggest thing was that - I wanted to find the bug and kill it. I couldn't stand the thought of it crawling around. I would grab any kind of device I could think of - paper napkin, shoe, candle, ruler, pencil to terminate the life of it.. lol.

When I came to London for my holiday. I met many people who were scared of spiders and it didn't bother me killing them or whatever. But it did amuse me at how scared people got of them. I guess I got used to them. I don't like bees though or wasps but spiders, roaches aren't a problem.

So, i guess i have my sister to thank for that... and just in case she reads this... of course I made her do lots of things in return for me that I could not do myself.

So basically whereever you go - England or America... the bugs will be with you.

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