Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do you have a rubber?

I did most of my schooling in england and most of my childhood days were spent writing and drawing in pencil which often required some kind of erasing device.
A rubber was something that was used to 'rub' off the pencil when you made a mistake or you just wanted it to disappear. But in America - a rubber was something else entirely.
In America a rubber refers to a condom so if you were to casually ask someone for a rubber, you may get a strange look especially if you don't know them. In America, this device is called an eraser.
Rubber = eraser
Rubber = condom

I had a friend and her daughter from England visit me in America last year. We were in a gift store with novelty items. Some of you may know this store - Spencer Gifts. The mother and I were browsing and suddenly the daughter shouted out 'Mum, can I get this rubber for my collection?' I saw the mouths of the customers in the store open as they were shocked what had come out of the mouth of a 6 year old. I grabbed both my friend and her daughter and left the store as quickly as possible. Of course, the girl had only been referring to an eraser, but due to the difference of the word in America and of course being in Spencer Gift store well would lead one open to interpretation. And that's all I will say on that subject...

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