Saturday, May 14, 2011

Queuing Up

Whether it be at airport security, at Walmart, or on Blackfriday - no-one likes to line up. But in England its not calling lining up its called a queue. Although now that I think about it, I remember my English teacher (whose name I won't mention) he would get very strict and particular that we were all in a line. If the line was not perfectly straight, either he would go off at us, or we would have to re-line up. He seriously had an obsession with everyone lining up really straight. Was he preparing us for the world? For the lines that would await us in the future. The line that we take when we drive to work everyday. The line that we wait in when we make a purchase, go to the bank, or pick up the kids at school. The line that becomes part of everyday life. The line that people don't like to wait in. Have you noticed that when there's a traffic jam, there's always at least one person who thinks that they shouldn't have to wait in the line (like the rest of us) and they try to go on the extra emergency lane or they try to cut everyone else off so they can get perhaps an inch further. How about the lines at the theme parks in the blazing sun. The lines that we all wait in just to get on a ride for about 3 minutes, for those few minutes of thrill and excitement. Has anyone ever calculated what percent of our line we spend lining up.
In England they call it queing up. In America its called a line. But its the same at the end of the day.

Wow look at that queue.... but we'll still stand in it anyway. Because its the queue to our future and sometimes its worth the wait.

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