Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vegetarian please

I am barely vegetarian but I have a lot of friends and family members who are either vegetarians or just eat halal meat. In London it was not much of an issue. It was easy to get vegetarian options. Only when I need to be vegetarian or am around friends and family who are vegetarian have I noticed the difference in Florida. I'm sure it is not so prevelant in other states, like New York where there is a more diverse population. Orlando is a big tourist spot, especially the theme park, outlets, shopping malls etc offer very little vegetarian choices. Each place will most likely offer a cheese pizza and if you're likely pasta with tomato sauce but that is usually the extent of the vegetarian choices and unless you want to engage in a diet of pizza and pasta you have very little other choices. I know that non vegetarian is the majority but if would be nice, especially in a tourist area, and attractions to appeal to everyone and offer choices that would be suitable to people of vegetarian and non vegetarian diets.

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