Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The driving game

It seems like people in the UK seem to spend a large portion of their time reversing, whereas that is not true in the US. I actually began learning to drive in England. And almost every single lesson there was an exercise where I had to reverse around the corner. It was prettlucy tedious and exhaustive especially because 90% of the time there was usually cars waiting to move past me and were really aggravated with the extended amount of time it took me to reverse around the corner.

In addition, people also reverse park in London. On occassion I've seen people (mostly just my parents) who reverse park (back into a driving space) but this is not common in Florida. I think that the biggest reason why it is done so much in London is because the parking spaces are smaller and also there is more traffic.

Roundabouts luckily for me are not present much in Florida but they are everywhere in England. I wonder why. The lack of roundabouts makes it easier for people who come to America to drive, because they are less likely to drive on the wrong side of the road. Are roundabouts that helpful at the end of the day?
Of course I can't comment on all the US states just on the ones I happen to reside at.
To be honest - I'm kinda glad about not having roundabouts here... I never did like them.

And lastly.... in London if you are learning to drive you have to display a L plate which is prominently displayed on your car. And when you pass you have to display a P plate. But that isn't seen in Florida. I know that at school they offer drivers ed classes but usually most people learn how to drive from a family or friend member and they usually just have someone sitting next to them while they drive around. But I have never seen any indication on a car that it is a driver in training. Maybe that would explain all these crazy drivers I see on the road.

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