Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sweet Tooth

I don't think the subject of candy can be written about too much. I know I've stressed about the absence of Cadbury's in the US (although you can find a small selection at an outrageous price in select store in the US) but the subject of this post refers to some other matters of the sweet kind.
I asked my niece the other day if she wanted a biscuit and she looked at me like I was crazy. Well perhaps... but.... she had no idea what that was. In America biscuits are actually called cookies. It doesn't matter what the shape of these are or what they contain. In America biscuits are actually those things you can get from McDonalds or Dunkin donuts that you have for breakfast (see below)

But in London if you ask for a biscuit... you will actually get what Americans call a cookie (see below)

Continuing with the discussion of sweet treats....
US Candy = UK sweets
so skittles are candy in America but in UK you would call them sweets.

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