Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bling Bling for an American Christmas

Christmas in America just as most things were slightly differently. It was on a whole different scale to what I was used to in England.
First of all - Christmas was introduced earlier. As early as November or earlier... christmas began to appear in the stores and even on TV. The day after thanksgiving marked the biggest shopping day in history - black friday as people uses the sales opportunity to shop for christmas gifts (a whole month prior to christmas). In addition sales continued until christmas prompting people to continue shopping.

The cold took a while to get here... and once the cold arrived, it was almost inevitable that christmas was around the corner. Although in Florida 'cold' meant 10 degrees C lol.

The word on everyone's lips was Christmas.... and it became 'a way of life' for a month...

Decorations, presents, colors, and festivities. It was everywhere.. and unlike London, it was not easy to escape.

The houses tended to be bigger here, and thus, the decorations of the houses was more elaborate, but not only that it was a contest - a contest to see who could decorate their house the best. And the display of christmas on one's home demonstrated their christmas spirit or lack of. Almost 95% of houses are decorated here in Florida. There is even a place you can go during christmas to walk-thru and look at the 'best decorated houses'. Its phenomenal.

The above pictures are pictures taken of houses and their decorations.... its magic after all... its christmas.

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