Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Smash cake

1/2 of you reading this will know what I am talking about, but 1/2 of you will have no idea........
In America, there is a tradition that on a child's 1st birthday when you order a cake, you usually get a 'complimentary' smash smaller cake. The larger cake is for the guests and the smaller cake is for the guest of honor, and the purpose of this cake is for the 1 year old to smash this cake and make a huge mess.

Apparently it is a.......... ''sweet, tactile and completely photogenic way to include your child in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get down and dirty with his birthday cake''. The child gets the whole cake to him/herself and no fork is needed. Once presented with his sweet reward, he's encouraged to attack it with his fingers, fists or face. This table-manners-be-darned approach results in a face full of frosting and cake crumbs, cake covered fingers and cake on the floor. It also inspires grins all around.

So, there you have it... another American tradition that is not well known in the UK. I showed my cousin a picture of my niece with her smash cake - she was outraged and appalled... and this inspired me to do some research into the tradition of the smash cake.

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