Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weather changes

Who decided that it snows in December and that the sun shines in July? Who invented the saying 'white Christmas?' Its not always what it should be?
In Florida on Christmas day I was wearing shorts because it was 70 degrees Fahrenheit. For those of you England readers, 70 degrees F is approximately 20 degrees C. And I loved being able to wear shorts on Christmas day and in January and even February.
The weather in Florida doesn't always follow stereotype as some countries do. It was warm until the end of November and then suddenly got cold quickly, about 40 degrees F (about 5 degrees C) and then we had some huge chills before the weather got warmer again for Christmas and now its regulating at around 50-65 degrees F. The nights and mornings being colder of course.
But that's what I like best about Florida - the sun. The fact that you don't expect it to get cold in September and then stay cold until May. Its sunny all year round.
So - do I miss having a 'white Christmas'? Sometimes, maybe. But I love the sun way too much. And I can always visit in the snow, just to experience it, but I'm where the sun is :)

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